Did you know that 60% of Small Businesses in Australia fail within 3 years of commencing and 97% fail within 10 years. Failure is largely a result of insufficient sales and poor cash flow management resulting from not charging clients sufficient fees to undertake the work. Come and take your business to the next level and learn from a master that has personally sold over $330 million dollars worth of products and services! Networking - meet potential clients, referral partners and suppliers that can add value to your business Q&A - Ask Rick all your general, specific business questions to ensure you walk away with everything you need to be more successful in your Small Business. Who is Rick Chisholm and why should you listen to him Are you an SME business owner looking to fast track your business’ growth? Are you facing growth challenges in your journey and struggling with getting enough Sales? Are you prepared for a catastrophic event that takes you away from your business? Have you ever wished you had someone to share the load and make the vision for your business a reality? As the founder of 7 companies and 30+ businesses over the last 35 years, Rick has the business experience & acumen to personally help growing SMEs. Rick's current venture Innovest SME focuses on delivering business & team training to SMEs and Corporates. I'm an Entrepreneur turned Mentor.• Rick built, developed & nurtured businesses in 14 industries including education, hospitality, entertainment, distribution, importing, retailing, rental & events over the course of the last 35 years. • Rick has turned in excess of $330 million in direct revenue through my own businesses. • Rick has experienced the same struggles any founder has to endure to grow their business in an ever-changing marketplace. I've experienced many successes and many failures. And I've made all the blunders in the book (and some that aren't)! • Rick has set up, bought and sold small & medium businesses from bricks & mortar to online and from personal-brand-centric to franchise models. And now Rick is enjoying the fulfilment of helping others grow stronger, more resilient businesses faster than they imagined possible... without the hurdles I've experienced.